Love is not Forced. It comes Naturally.
Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases. (Songs of Solomon 2:7)
Love Cannot Be Bought
Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm.Love complements
For love is as strong as death, its jealousy as enduring as the grave.
Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame.
Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it.
If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned.
(Songs of Solomon 8:6-7)
You are all fair, my love, And there is no spot in you. (Songs of Solomon 4:7)
How much better than wine is your love, And the scent of your perfumes, Than all spices! (Songs of Solomon 4:10)A Loyal Love
I am my beloved’s, And my beloved is mine. (Songs of Solomon 6:3)
Songs of Solomon Practical Application for Today's Age (Source:
Related Resources:Our world is confused about marriage. The prevalence of divorce and modern attempts to redefine marriage stand in glaring contrast to Solomon’s Song. Marriage, says the biblical poet, is to be celebrated, enjoyed, and revered. This book provides some practical guidelines for strengthening our marriages:
- Give your spouse the attention he or she needs. Take the time to truly know your spouse.
- Encouragement and praise, not criticism, are vital to a successful relationship.
- Enjoy each other. Plan some getaways. Be creative, even playful, with each other. Delight in God’s gift of married love.
- Do whatever is necessary to reassure your commitment to your spouse. Renew your vows; work through problems and do not consider divorce as a solution. God intends for you both to live in a deeply peaceful, secure love.
The Song of Solomon (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries)
Song of Solomon
Songs in the Key of Solomon: In the Word...and in the Mood
The Song of Solomon, A Study of Love, Sex, Marriage, and Romance: Study Guide