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Showing posts with the label Hope

Underground Faith: Testimony of Jose Enriquez, One of the 33 Trapped Miners in Chile

Last August 2010, an underground shaft collapsed in a mine in Northern Chile, trapping 33 miners deep underground. The whole world followed the dramatic events and watched with joy as the miners emerged one by one from the shaft three months later. Many of those rescued miners have since become celebrities, but one in particular feels the world needs to hear his story (CBN News)

It is Well With My Soul - God is our Refuge and Strength, a Very Present Help in Trouble

This song It Is Well With My Soul has struck my attention today. It was sang beautifully at church with the clips showing the devastation of the recent flooding in Queensland, Australia.  This is a song of hope. It gives us the message that amidst trouble, sorrow, or pain, we have our Heavenly Father who is for us.That out of these circumstances, God's goodness still revealed and we can still see hope, peace, and love. Our lives here on Earth is temporal so let us invest more into something that has eternal value.