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The Jesus I Never Knew

Olive Wood Jesus in Fish Keychain with Natural Matte Finish

Christianity is not a doctrine, not truth as truth, but the knowledge of a Person; it is knowing the Lord Jesus. You cannot be educated into being a Christian. --T. Austin-Sparks

A funny church sign says: " There are some questions that can't be answered by Google!" With enough curiousity, I typed in "Jesus" in Google Search and bingo! There are about 175,000,000 results in 0.15 seconds! The top 5 results is from Wikipedia, a funny titled website called "Jesus Dress Up",  a question-captioned site called "Who is Jesus-Really?," Youtube videos, and The Jesus Film Project.

With the advance technology that we are in nowadays, we process a lot of information. Good or bad. True or not true. Relevant or irrelevant. But who is Jesus really? With 175 millions hits in Google, where a lot us rely for quick information, Jesus is undeniably one of the most popular Person throughout our history. In fact He is very controversial. A lot of people likes to talk about God or "god" but some seems to shy away or avoid conversations about Jesus.  In fact a funny anecdote depicts that even people who are religious fails to identify Jesus.

A Bektashi dervish apporached a certain bishop and said: ‘I have heard of a young man who harangues crowds, advocating their breaking the law, claims supernatural connections, performs “miracles” and contradicts himself….” ‘Enough!’ said the bishop. ‘he shall be tried, charged with blasphemy and upsetting public.If he does not recant, he may be put to death as a heretic and corrupter. Just tell me his name, and I shall arrange the rest!’
 ‘I wish you could realize how impressed I am by your competence,’ said the Bektashi. ‘His name is Jesus.’(1)

Funny but it's true. Isn't it?  Religious people tends to know more about their traditions, customs, rituals, and creeds but not the God, the Saviour, and the Lord Jesus Christ. More so with non-believers, agnostics, and atheiests who bombard Jesus with mockery and lies.

Jesus came from Heaven to Earth not to establish a religion but a relationship.   The Gospel of John in Chapter 14 verses 1-6 we read: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many mansions;[a] if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.[b]  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 4 And where I go you know, and the way you know.”

 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

To me, this is profound. Jesus is the way, Jesus is the truth, and Jesus is the life.

Recommended Readings:


chasong said…
I am looking to trade links with similar blogs and I thought you might be interested. That way people who visit my blog come to yours and vice versa.

My blog is titled reflections on the Christ and I just finished a series of thoughts and studies on the end-time.@

I am currently exploring thoughts around a real walk with God – which is a bit difficult to define in practical terms.

If you feel it’s relevant to your blog, do drop a comment on my blog so we can link up.

Thanks loads and keep shining

Thor said…
Thanks for your comment John...heading to your blog now..

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